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来源:人文学院   时间:2018-11-16  浏览:


Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Ross


Moderator: Professor LU Xinghua


Hosted by Academy of European Cultures, Faculty of Art and CreativeIndustry, Tongji University


From November 2 

考虑到国内读者惧于斯蒂格勒的哲学术语装置的复杂性,我们专门邀请长期翻译斯蒂格勒、非常熟悉其文本细节的Daniel Ross博士从三个阶段全面介绍斯蒂格勒的技术哲学,争取有更多年青读者能够进入斯蒂格勒的逆熵思想。




Place: Rm. 410, YUNTONG Building, Siping-Campus, Tongji University



1.What is philosophy? Nov. 2; 18:30


2.Exteriorization (Leroi-Gourhan) and différance (Derrida)(Nov. 4; 15:00)

3.Three kinds of soul (Aristotle) and threekinds of retention (Husserl)(Nov. 6; 18:30)

4.Individuation (Simondon) and resoluteness(Heidegger) (Nov. 9; 18:30)


5.The pharmakon: grammatization andproletarianization (Nov. 11; 15:00)

6.Libidinal economy and arche-cinema (Nov. 13;18:30)


7.Entropy, automation and disruption (Nov. 16;18:30)

8.Cybernetics, Ereignis and theNeganthropocene(Nov. 18; 15:00)


9.Discussion, including Girard, Thiel andmimetic contagion on social  networks(Nov. 20;     18:30)

10. Discussion,including China and neurotechnical individuation (Nov. 22; 18:30)

讲座教务:韩林君 | Teaching Assistant: HANLinjun 1597176485@qq.com



本系列讲座的主体内容为三个部分,遵循斯蒂格勒思想发展的三个阶段进行:1994年引入的技术哲学; 2001年后,更直接的政治组织和药学阶段2014年开始,他的工作基础发生了深刻的变化,涉及各种熵的问题,以及后来被称为人类纪的时代。讲座一方面将介绍斯蒂格勒30多本书中阐述的概念基础,另一方面也将传达他的思考和关注所给出的那种处在他所认为的全球紧急状态——其特征是生态破坏、产业民粹主义、后真相、集体否定和大幅度退化——中的紧迫性。




丹尼尔罗斯(Daniel Ross)博士是斯蒂格勒的英译者和合作者,发表过多部技术哲学的书和论文。早年毕业于澳大利亚墨尔本大学物理系和哲学系,在莫纳什大学获哲学学位。曾是墨尔本大学“社会和专业的语境”研讨班的主讲人。参与撰写《精神生态学:贝尔纳.斯蒂格勒的技术和政治》《解构主义后的药理学与批》《耻辱的药:普罗米修斯、 埃庇米修斯、安提戈涅的暂时性(时间性)》《人类世保留的有限性和无限性》《触摸/屏幕》《评论贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒的< 技术与时间3>》等作品;编译有斯蒂格勒的系列作品《自动化社会卷1:工作的未来》《颠覆的年代:在计算机资本主义时代的技术和疯狂》《休克的状态:21世纪的愚蠢和知识》《生命中有什么值得我们为它遭受活之痛?:论药学》《对政治经济的新批判》等作品。罗斯博士同时也是一个电影制作人,联合导演了《伊斯忒耳》(2004)。


The aim of this lecture seriesis to survey the work of the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, from hisfirst published work, Technics and Time,1 (published in French in 1994), and up until his most recent work, The Age of Disruption (published inFrench in 2016), and even beyond. The argument of these lectures will be thatStiegler's work falls into three distinct phases: (1) the philosophy oftechnics introduced in 1994; (2) a more directly political organological andpharmacological phase commencing after 2001; and (3) a profound transformationof the foundations of his work, beginning in 2014, and concerned with questionsof entropy of all kinds, and with the geological epoch that has come to beknown as the Anthropocene. This lecture series will follow the course of thesethree phases, introducing the fundamental foundations, concepts and argumentsthat are elaborated across Stiegler's more than 30 books. While each of thesephases is distinct, the profound consistency of his thought over the last 24years will also be elucidated.


Stiegler is at the absoluteforefront of philosophical thinking today, but his work has from the outsetalso exceeded the bounds of traditional philosophy.His thought and practice is founded in the necessityof embracing, at the deepest level, the work and understandings that arederived from scientific knowledge and technological development, but also inthe need to exceed scientific and technological understanding. Stiegler'stechnological preoccupations have always been accompanied by a profound worryabout the course of technological development and its implications for thefuture, and for that reason his work has always been eminently political, butthis concern has only intensified over the years, and therefore, along with it,so too has his sense of the absolute necessity of thinking the conditions ofpossibility of a positive future,conditions that today must be digital and macroeconomic. In addition to theconceptual foundations that will be elaborated over these lectures, so toothere will be conveyed the urgency ofhis thinking and his care, in what amounts for him to a global state of emergencycharacterized by ecological destruction, industrial populism, post-truth,collective denial and immense regression.



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